About us

We represent modern, dynamic companies successfully operating in international markets. We are well aware of the specifics of the Lithuanian labour market and the requirements for selecting qualified employees to meet the needs of businesses. Our accumulated experience and legal knowledge ensures the quality of our services and the expertise of the employees we offer from Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. If any company we represent is facing a labour shortage, we quickly find skilled workers in Ukraine, Belarus or other third world countries and employ them in Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. We are committed to ensuring the qualitative implementation of all recruitment and selection procedures.

Areas in which the employees selected by us work:

  • Manufacturing industry – insulators, assemblers, welders, machine operators, tailors, technologists;
  • Transport and logistics – International transport  freight vehicles driver;
  • Food industry: cooks, bakers, confectioners, butchers, preparers of semi-finished products, product sorters;
  • Construction – concrete workers, bricklayers, plasterers, painters, welders, smiths, electricians, plumbers;
  • Agriculture;
  • Services, support.

What do WE do that others don’t?

  • We not only select the necessary employees for companies, but also act as a responsible intermediary and consultant during their stay in Lithuania.
  • We have the licenses needed to carry out our activities.
  • We have branches in Ukraine and Belarus that operate according to European standards;
  • If the selected employee is not a good fit for the employer for whatever reason, we take the financial losses and exchange him or her for another one.

Our goal is to accurately select employees who are best suited to the employer and who perform their duties with the highest level of quality.

Jūsų surastų kandidatų legalizavimas

Mūsų komanda yra patyrusi ir pasirengusi padėti jums įdarbinti tarptautinius talentus, kurie atitiktų jūsų verslo poreikius.

Užsieniečio apgyvendinimo ir atvykimo administravimas

Mūsų įmonė taip pat teikia paslaugas, susijusias su užsieniečių apgyvendinimu ir atvykimo administravimu.

Teisinės konsultacijos

Mūsų įmonė taip pat teikia teisinės konsultacijos paslaugas, kad užtikrintų, jog visi įdarbinimo procesai atitiktų nacionalinius ir tarptautinius teisės aktus bei reglamentus.

Contact us

We will find the employees for your desired position. All you have to do is contact us

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